Dalhousie Libraries Search

Free Research Tools
Provincial Legislation
Federal Legislation
As a Dalhousie Law student, you have access to a large number of databases provide by the various Dalhousie Libraries. These can be searched online here.
Many free sources exist for locating both case law and legislation when researching. CanLII, a free online database, provides access to recent Canadian case law and legislation. If you can't find the legislation you need on CanLII, you can always check federal and provincial sites.

Subscription Research Tools
​LexisNexis Quicklaw
While you're a student at Dalhousie Law, you have a subscription to both LexisNexis Quicklaw and Westlaw included in your tuition fees. These tools provide access to case law, secondary sources and legislation and are the industry standards used in law firms across the country.

Law Subject Guides
The Sir James Dunn Dalhousie Law Library provides students with a number of subject guides pertaining to a wide range of areas of law. These are extremely useful as a starting point for research.
Check them out here!